Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cage's only grant application (denied)

The John Cage Trust provides a scan of Cage's only known grant application, from 1940, involving amongst other things "the only center of experimental music in the country".

An annecdote relating to this is here

Monday, May 31, 2010

BRANDEN W. JOSEPH - The Roh and the Cooked: Structural Film, Actionism, Paracinema

Please join us for the RMIT University School of Architecture and Design Graduate Research Conference Saturday night lecture. Details below.

Saturday 5th June, 2010

Drinks: 6:00-6:30PM 8.12.01

Saturday night lecture 6:30-7:30PM 8.11.68 (Lecture Theatre)


The Roh and the Cooked: Structural Film, Actionism, Paracinema

Branden W. Joseph will discuss the travels of Tony Conrad and Beverly Grant throughout Europe in the early 1970s. Their itinerary, and thetransformations in Conrad’s work upon his return to the United States,sheds light on the particular “crisis” of experimental cinema at thetime and the manner in which it was (temporarily) overcome. Revisingcurrent understandings of the notion of there being “twoavant-gardes” (as Peter Wollen famously put it), an examination ofConrad’s development and his interactions with Malcolm Le Grice,Wilhelm and Birgit Hein, and Otto Muehl will outline another line ofavant-garde development. Drawn from Conrad’s personal archives andother research, this talk covers material that is not included in theauthor’s recent book, Beyond the Dream Syndicate: Tony Conrad and theArts after Cage.

Branden W. Joseph is Frank Gallipoli Professor of Modern andContemporary Art in the Department of Art History and Archaeology at Columbia University and an editor of the journal Grey Room (MIT Press).—
(forwarded from Jon Dale)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Australia's participation in the ISCM

John Davis outlines some thoughts on the forthcoming ISCM festival in Sydney, and reviews the history of Australia's participation in the ISCM (Resonate Magazine)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Noise circa 1964

Blog to Comm post that mentions a 1964 record called "Sounds of the Junkyard", which Lester Bangs reviewed in Village Voice in 1981.

Monday, February 1, 2010

David Ahern article from 1970

Notes on Expansion - David Ahern.

First published in Other Voices, Aug-Sept 1970.